Expanding Opportunities for Michigan Youth

Afterschool and summer learning programs are more important than ever for ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to thrive.

What the Research Shows

Benefits to Youth and Families

Decades of research show afterschool and summer programs help young people realize their full potential and provide essential supports for families.
Icon of someone holding a book.
Accelerating Learning and Literacy
Afterschool and summer learning programs complement what kids learn at school and offer enriching activities that get students excited about learning, improve their academic performance, and boost their school attendance. 
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Promoting Healthy Futures
Afterschool and summer learning programs play an important role in supporting young people’s safety, well-being, and mental health. There has never been a more important time to strengthen these supports for Michigan kids and families.
Icon of hands holding.
Supporting Working Families
Afterschool and summer learning programs provide critical support to Michigan families, businesses, and our economy. They ensure caregivers have quality child care options when schools are closed so they can work without worry.
Icon of someone holding a wrench.
Strengthening Our Future Workforce
Afterschool and summer learning is a smart investment in Michigan’s economy and future generations. Programs help young people build life skills, explore careers, and get connected to local businesses.

Michigan Families Love Afterschool

A survey of Michigan parents finds unmet demand for afterschool is higher than ever.
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Working Families

>8 in 10

Michigan parents say afterschool helps working parents keep their jobs

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Children Waiting


For every child enrolled
in afterschool, 4 more are waiting

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Social Skills


of Michigan parents say afterschool helps children develop social skills

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Public Funding


of Michigan parents support public funding for afterschool programs

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Positive Relationships


of Michigan parents say afterschool helps youth build positive relationships with caring adults and mentors

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Building Confidence


of Michigan parents say afterschool helps young people build confidence

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Physically Active


of Michigan parents agree afterschool provides kids opportunities to be physically active

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STEM Learning


of Michigan parents say their child’s afterschool program offers STEM learning opportunities

Featured Stories

“I love how much joy it brings her. I like how they do education, but it’s fun-based learning. She’s learning, and she doesn’t even realize it.”
Jen M.
Parent, Northern Michigan
Afterschool offers opportunities you didn't even know you were missing."
Elizabeth R.
Parent and Afterschool Staff Member, Shelby

Michigan Needs More Afterschool!

Afterschool programs help young people build life skills, do better in school, get connected to their community, and explore careers.

But >750,000 youth are missing out because we don’t have enough programs. Right now, for every Michigan child enrolled, four more are waiting.

Add your name and email if you support expanding afterschool programs to help Michigan youth, families, and communities thrive. You’ll stay up to date on our campaign and how you can help.